Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nov. 20, 2019
     It is rainy and cold and I have to fight off the temptation to jump on the bed and just lie there. I don’t know what happened to my energy. On Monday our computer, IT guru came
And successfully got my computer talking to my printer (I hope that the stay on good terms now…for a while there they weren’t talking to each other). That was a satisfying moment
Because I have some work to do that involves the printer.
I finally wrote down the alternative name for Valium. It is Diazepam. Just check it out on Google and you will see why I am not interested in meeting her/him again.
Yesterday I popped in to see our travel agent, Rajes. We have become good friends over the years. From there I went to the paulines, a catholic bookstore, and picked up a couple
Of catholic calendars, one for Mike Pillay at church and one for me. I was heading for my physiotherapy session but was way too early, so I popped in at Nazareth House to visit
My friend, Fr. Chris Lockyer, an OMI (Oblate of Mary immaculate) who is suffering from Parkison’s disease and looks permanentllly at his toes. So sad.
    From there I went to the physiotherapist who walked me through a new range of exercise, es. No use going to her regularly because with the spasms there isn’t much she can do.
Then I went to visit a couple whom I have known since we buried their waterhead baby way back in the 60’s. They came to visit me while I was down and out and confessed that
They didn’t think I was ever going to get out of that bed and told others the same. That shocked me. I didn’t realize that people thought I was going to die (I guess that it was the same at
Savannah Park with the hugs…they really didn’t expect to see this walking corpse. Ha. No wonder. But I must say that I never felt like dying. I just wanted to recover and have a drug free
Today, I did almost nothing. I saw the mechanic yesterday and he put on a new cam belt today. That is the belt that kind of keeps the valves doing there thing in the right order. If that
Breaks, you are in big trouble. It should be changed like every 100,000 kms. At the least. We were up to 165,000 already and were pushing our luck. But the bill threw me. R1566.00
I thought something like R500 or 600. Wow. We will have to talk about that. Otherwise all seems to be slowly but surely improving. I walk around the room without the crutch and
Try to walk up straight. Christmas is coming soon and I haven’t done a thing to prepare for it. We shall see.
    I asked my provincial if the province could pay for the retreat I would like to make between Christmas and New years. He asked me to check how much that would be and he
Would put it before the committee. I phoned the retreat house and they said it would be R1640.00 (usually it is R420 a day). We will see what he says. An ordinary person can
Hardly afford that. Maybe I will have to just give up the idea, as do many others because it Is just out of my financial bracket.
Life goes on.  Stay well, you all. Open your hearts for the coming of Christ, bringing inner peace to a very un-peaceful world.
    I am reminded of the story of the grandmother who was with her 6 yr. old grandson in the mall when he turned to her and said. ’Grandma, there Is the line for Santa Claus,
 But where is the line for Jesus? Hmmm. 

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