Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 12, 2019
Dear Everyone. I have come to the conclusion that I have no real alternative besides postponing my home leave till next year. I am being plagued by constant spasms that are out of my control and this doesn’t allow me to live a normal life. The Neurologist and Neurosurgeon are going to look into the matter with a brain and spine scan (MRI). You can imagine how disappointed I am but….
I will keep you all informed about what is happening. I hope that there will be a happy ending. I am getting tired of hospitals now. I know that some of you have been there and done that so you know what I mean.
   In the meantime, loads and lots of love to you all and hope that I will see you all next year, the bionic, rewired man. Love and Peace, Cas.

1 comment:

  1. hello cas we were very sad to hear that you cannot make the reunion and your trip home, we really feel for you, we had booked into a hotel but now we will have to think about some time later, we will be optimistic please take care, your family will be as sorry us. please look after yourself. pat is having a few problems with her feet; it seems to be arthritis, so she is having some special shoes made to help her mobility, she gets a little bit frustrated at times but,she says it could be worse, much love, john and pat, stay well. sorry we will not see you all in june.
