Monday, December 20, 2021


Dec. 20, 2021




                                          Fr. Cas. Paulsen, cmm—re-tyred

                                          Monastery Mariannhill

                                         10 Monastery Rd.

                                        Mariannhill, KZN  3624

                                              SOUTH  AFRICA

                                      Cell Ph. (27) (0)83-635-0151                               Abbot Francis    



Dear Everyone,


       Would you believe that this is the 52nd dear everyone missive I have sent out.(since I came to Africa in 1966).


Well this is a year that most people will be happy to say goodbye to. We welcome the advent or 2022 even thought it brings with it omicron ( it is the new normal, covid and its many offshoots are not going to go away, as I  understand it.)


Covid has had its positive side. When you watched the news on TV, you could see Russia, China UK, US, Venezuela, Sa Paulo, all wearing masks. Has that ever happened before?????? We were all om the same boat and all were working on trying to find a vaccine, and they did in record time. What usually takes 10 yrs. Now took only 2 or even less. We really need each other and depend on each other.


Then you saw the greedy 1st world nations stock piling while the 3rd world nations got almost zilch, and are still far behind.  We saw glaringly the gap between the haves and have nots and know that we can never go back to the former status quo. And the silly and thoughtless people who refuse o wear a mask and are willing  to risk their own lives as well as all those others they come in contact with. A real no-brainer.


I am still fighting my spasms and it looks as though it is going to be that way until I die, unless they find where these messages are coming off and can shut them off. But I had a physioterrorist come for ten sessions to prevent the leg for going up into a 90% position and freeze there. When he stopped (paid for by  Mariannhill), Br. Albert filled in the gap by coming faithfully at 2 pm to doo the necessary exercises, which, at times can be painful, but, as they say, no pain no gain. The aim is to stretch the hamstring muscle so that it can’t pull the leg up into that 90 degree configuration. Br. Albert experienced something similar with his knee sometime back.and knows the routine.


I Had a terrible itch on my back and we tried all kinds of salves, etc, with no effect. Then I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed something that had to be mixed at the pharmacy and it really worked..

For  a while the care givers put it on my back at night but they are no longer here so I have to do it myself. It would be better if I were double jointed.


As you know, I have had a justice and peace accounte---socio pastoral account with which I have been able to help people. For many, because of the pandemic, they have no income, having lost their jobs and it is really a matter of life and death survival. This year, surprisingly, many of you have been super generous and I have even had a chance to go around a second time. I say thank you in their name.

When the restrictions were eased and lifted, I was able to take a wedding (in in a wheel chair) and another Mass at the Denis Hurley Center in the middle of town. The Center is  the combined effort of all the religious groups ( all Christian denominations, Muslims, Hindus, Buddists, and others ) to help the homeless people in the city center, where they have a meal a day, s clinic, a place to shower and get clean clothes, offices for migrants, etc, etc, etc. These are all manned by volunteers. I think it is unique in the world where all the religions work together to help the homeless and all who are struggling just to keep alive (There are many ongoing projects as well )


There are too many other things to enumerate here o let me wish you all a blessed Christmas, Catholics, other Christians, Hindus, Buddists, Muslims, since Christmas means Peace and Love and Hope, all of which I wish to all of you, including my atheist friends.


And I also wish you all a happy, fruitful, challenging, hopeful new year full of many blessings ( mostly in disguise) with the love, wisdom, courage, to face and deal with all the surprises that will be thrown at you in this  coming 2022. But please also be a bit joyful too.


I am sorry I am so late this year. It is combination of laziness and being overwhelmed by things to be done at the last minute, especially disbursing all the money that you so generously sent to help people.


Your fellow citizen of mother earth (abused as she is), your brother in the Lord,


Fr. Cas, cmm


PS. a spcial thanks to Mariannhill, Fr. Tom Szura, for all his help.

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