Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August 1, 2018,

    Here we go again. Let me go backwards a bit. I am getting tired of hearing this “fake News” Stuff. ANN, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, (no mention, I think, of Al Jazeera), and others have all been accused of being fake news. I am wondering why there have not been any Libel or Defamation of character suits against any of these news outlets. My guess is that they have checked and re-checked their sources to make sure that they are true before publishing them, realizing that if they got caught, it would not only cost them monetarily but, even worse, reputationally. But, as the old saying goes, if you throw enough mud, some of it will stick.

     Now he compares himself to Abraham Lincoln, being better than Lincoln, of course, because his polls were more that Lincoln’s. Ha. Lincoln was dead for 71 yrs. Before they even thought of polls. Talk about fake news. Trump has been caught out so often either telling plain out lies or half lies or twisting the truth, that he is the last one that should talk about fake news.

     Now an interesting turn about. For months he has been saying (it is his mantra….there is no collusion), over and over again, there is no collusion. Ha. Now he says, even if there is / was, collusion is not a crime. What is that supposed to mean. Maybe he is taking note of the information that has been coming in about the fact that, the plain fact that, the Russians have interfered with the 2016 election. Possibly with some help from some of his supporters. But the denial still continues. There is no way that he is going to admit that the interference by the Russians helped him to win the election (at least by the numbers of the college of electors). Hmmm. What would that mean if it was actually proven and accepted that there was enough interference to have swayed the electorate in his direction. A fake president? Of course that will never happen, partly because it is better to just go ahead than cause a riot by changing horses in mid stream. I don’t think we have any legislation to deal with that. But there is no way to determine just how much influence there was on voters to vote for him. It will remain forever a mystery.

    Now we have the trial of Paul Manafort who has 18 cases against him, adding up to over 300 yrs. In jail if he is found guilty. Of course, this has nothing to do with the Trump team and possible collusion with the Russians. It has to do with gross tax evasion and lying to the government of his sources of income, leaving out those millions in overseas places.  But, that is not the point. Can you imagine yourself in the situation where you will be spending the rest of you affluent life in prison. What would you do. It just might come to mind that he could ask for a deal with the Mueller team for immunity from prison in return for some damning information about the Trump team. Or am I imaging things. But is sure is getting interesting.

    I am so sorry for those people who have lost everything in those wild fires out in California. They must find some way to help them. They are not affluent communities and probably have nothing to fall back on to begin a new start in life. What can be done?

    But this is nothing new for many around the world, those who have fled for their lives from countries where the violence in endemic and where there really was no other choice but to either stay and die, or run for your life to wherever. Millions. Does anyone feel sorry for them? Is anyone trying to find an answer besides closing all doors to them. Hmmm.

     Now the elections are finished in Zimbabwe. Zanu-PF has more than 2/3 of the votes against less than 1/3 for the opposition. I have no doubt that there was plenty of trickery going on and it may even continue now doing this time when the votes are being recounted and registered. Someone once said that it is not the vote that is most important, it is the counting. I think he is right.

    But, the problems that Zimbabwe faces are so huge as to be almost insurmountable, that I will be glad if the opposition doesn’t make it. The ruling party will have unbelievable challenges especially with the economy and unemployment that it is better to be in the opposition than in the ruling seats who will have to come up with an acceptable action plan.

     Here in South Africa the burning issue is land redistribution. Most of the land is still in the hands of a small majority of Whites (mostly big commercial farms) and there is an almost universal cry for land on the part of those who have been dispossessed. There are many problems here since land is different in the eyes of those who live in the rural areas than those in town. Thinking of food security, those who want land for farming had better know how to farm and have what is needed, these days, to start farming on a profitable scale. The present president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has now agreed to consider changing the constitution to accept the possibility of land redistribution without compensation. It is getting interesting.

     The Churches have been very silent on this issue. It is a thorny one and there are no easy answers. But we want JUSTICE no matter how it gets resolved.

     I have been busy preparing for some classes with the novices. I think that I will have one class a week for the four weeks of September. I have lots to share with them and I also want to hear from them what their thoughts are. I am also preparing a retreat for Catholic school teachers late this month. The theme is “ Mercy”. I should send some notes to the Republicans regarding separating vulnerable children from their parents. Holy Moses. How low can you get

    I also have a couple of weddings coming up. They are always special. I have to admire the bravery and courage of young couples who are surrounded by broken down marriages and lots of other problems, but are still brave enough to say “yes, we can.” More power to them. We try to form a backup team for them so that when things get tough (like real life ) they know that they are loved and can get help and understanding to help them through these tough times. Don’t be too quick to throw in the towel. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

     I am still at the hospital mon to Fri. and have a chance to bring some light and comfort into otherwise dark and uncomfortable lives.

     Stay well. I love you and hope to see as many of you as possible next year on my home leave. You will laugh when you see my itinerary, when I finally get it together. I did leave a little time, here and there, to visit the WC.   Lots and lots of love.   Cas.

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