Dear Everyone,
Yesterday was a
very important event in our Mariannhill history. We buried a 94 yrs. old
veteran of the school of old missionaries. He was a character, full of life and
jokes and fun and at the same time deeply serious about making Jesus real to
the people who were under his care as their shepherd.
It was said
that once he came out here to South Africa, which was, if I remember rightly,
shortly after the second world war—he never returned home to his native
Switzerland. He was a once off and when God made him, it seems, he threw the
mold away, as they say.
It was inspiring to hear about him and it gave
an impulse to my own determination to be faithful to my calling and never to
ease up as long as I live.
Otherwise, I
have still gladly given my self to looking after my confrere, Fr. Macarius
Haeusler, who is back for a while from him parish in the North of Zambia. He
successfully passed the 3 week checkup after his prostate operation, and the
last thing on the list is a visit to a specialist eye doctor who can give him
an injection into his eye (ouch!) to prevent the macular generation from
destroying more of his eye nerves. He is already blind totally in his left eye
and has very, very limited vision in his right eye. It is so limited that after
our eye doctor, Casandra, checked out various ways (like magnifying glass,
etc.) to enhance his vision in that right eye, nothing worked. So he has to
just carry that cross.
I have been
going pretty regularly to a new and growing parish at a place called Savanah
Park. I think that we hit it off with each other and I don’t mind at all
whenever they ask for a visit from me. They are very kind to overlook my poor
Zulu but I think that they still understand what I am trying to say.
I would have
lots of work to do in getting some order in my files but I have been too lazy
to do that. The days go fast enough but the nights, from after supper ( a break
from about 6pm to 7pm-and, after the news from 7 to 7:30pm) till bed time at
about 9:30 or 10pm consists in doing a lot of reading, some heavy and some
novels, especially by the priest novelist Andrew Greeley. John Grisham is
another favorite.
Anyway, I am
preparing for a visit in just over a month to friends in Zimbabwe. I should
start packing now so that by the time I leave, I will have cut down to only
those things that I really need. I don’t like to wait till the last minute.
So, there you
have it. I am gradually adjusting to the slowed down life and am at least
content for the time being. I would like to look for more, but I am sure that
things will evolve.
Catch you later.
Fr. Cas