Mar. 14, 2022
Things went along normally till the 12rh of
March. That is the day I have been waiting and longing for months. It was the
day when I would meet , my niece, Ann,…. My daughter, a medical doctor… and her
daughter, Katrina, my grand niece….who spent a year as a volunteer at our
orphanage home, some years back, and her
new husband (married in Dec. last year), Chase ( I really like him), and David,
Ann’s husband….all 4 are paying me a visit and
looking around, here and there in South Africa.
We went out for lunch on Saturday, the 12th
of March, to a restaurant called the Pot and Kettle, where I had taken Katrina
when she first arrive in South Aftrica some years back to celebrate her
birthday. The restaurant overlooks the valley of a thousand hills and is very
scenic. She wanted to show the others this beautiful place and a place, after
drinking in the lovely scenery, to have lunch. Shortly before lunch, My bladder
told me it was time to make a move. So I did, but I am on crutches, and it
takes some time to get where I am going especially as the toilet is a bit of a
distance away. Well, I had the emberrasing experience of losing it before I
arrived where I wanted to go, leaving a trail along the way. Very emberrassing
, but what can one do. We had lunch and before going to a friends house for
wine and cheese, they took me home where I could change into some fresh clothes
and off we went.
It was
enjoyable just to be in their company and it became even more enjoyable when
Katrina announced that she was pregnant. Wow. What great and beautiful news.
While they went off to do some more visiting with Katrina’s friends,
they dropped me off at home. I had had enough excitement for one day, and
although I went to bed early, I couldn’t sleep, I think because I was still too excited.
The next day was Sunday, and they came and
picked me up and we went off to Savannah Park to my old community for a lovely
Zulu Mass.I sat with them in the back and only read the gospel in Zulu and
listened to Fr. Des. Who has been helping since I was no longer able to do it.
The reading for that Sunday was about the Transfiguration, when Jesus took
Peter, James and John up the mountain to experience the divine side of who he
was, since all they knew of him was his human side. Of course, their minds were
blown when he was transfigured, big dazzling light and all.
But what struck me was the juxtaposition of
Transfigure and disfigure that he brought out in his sermon…..
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