May 13, 2017
It wasn’t my
intention to put something in my blog today but if I don’t I may not be able to
There were two major deaths in our lives here in South
Africa. One was Fr. Guy who finally passed away on Monday May 1st.
St. Joseph the Worker. A fitting day to say goodbye as he was a very hard
worker in the vineyard of the Lord.
There was a
memorial Mass held for him in Mthatha last Thursday, May 11th. Here is what one of those present had to say:
10:49 AM (8 hours ago)
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A very good day to you
Fr hoping that you are well. Fr Chikadi did send messages to friends who knew
Fr Guy and those whom he touched their hearts through his kind works.The initial
date send 12/May/2017 at Glen Avent Convent and later another date was
forwarded to us with a changed venue being the Cathedral on 11/05/2017.
The Memorial Holy Mass was well attended by friends from all the places which
Fr Guy was of help, namely Sabelani, Maiden Farm, Phola Park, Hill Crest and
locally in town. Bishop Siphuka officiated the Holy Mass Service but he was
very quiet. Fr John Chickadi is the one who spoke about Fr Guy as he officiated
the sermon and he clearly drew a picture of who Fr Guy really was since his
arrival and the experiences that they had with him as Priests. He also did not
mince his words when stating that they as Priests had their weaknesses, failing
the Community in various ways. Electricity went off just a few minutes as the
service had begun followed by thunder and lihtning. Fr Stephan spoke on
behalf of the CMM Priests also expanding on Fr Chikadi's sermon painting a
broader picture of who Fr Guy was and how they as Priests did let him down when
challanges caught up with him purely seeing that the church was now being
divided. Jerome send a written letter on behalf of friends as he could not
attend. The letter was a farewell note to Fr Guy also thanking him for being a
pillar of strength to him and others and also having learnt so many things from
him. Sr Mary Corda also spoke on behalf of the 80 CPS Srs and Thembelihle Home where the also
thanked Fr Guy for his services and guidance. She also reassured the community
that they will continue where he had left as that was his most humble request
in helping the poor. Sabelani Guys were present but no one went to speak and we
are not sure what prevented them from doing so. I personally presume that it
could be grief or the mere presence of Bishop Siphuka, but they were there to
witness the service. Yes indeed a huge rock has fallen and we are very grateful
and we will mis him. May his great soul rest in peace.
I won’t comment now but will do so later, regarding to
the life and times and death of Fr. Guy.
The other death was that of Bishop Barry Wood, the vicar
general of the Durban Archdiocese, right hand man of Cardinal Napier. He, like
Guy, was passionate about trying to lift the poor out of their poverty and was
a hands on person when it came to listening and responding to the voices that
are traditionally tuned out of the hearts and consciences of many Church
leaders and their followers.
On Thursday, also May 11th, there was an ecumenical
service at the Diakonia Center in the heart of Durban, an ecumenical social
service organization, which was headed by Bishop Barry Wood for two terms, from
2005 to 2011. Today, was the funeral Mass for him, led by Cardinal Napier,
assisted by the Apostolic Nuncio, a fellow student from St. Meinrad, though
much later than me, as well as more priests concelebrating than I could count,
surely over 100 and a whole bevy of his brother bishops. It was a very inclement
day, bloody cold, as one here would say, and threatening rain at any moment,
but holding back till just after the service had been concluded. He was lauded
and praised by all, priests and laity alike. He was, like Guy and Francis,
special in his obvious love and concern for the poor, a model for us all.
However, I almost didn’t make it. The Mass was held in
the Royal Showgrounds in Pietermaritzbug, about 80 km. from Durban (50 miles).
As I was entering the city, forging ahead with a welcoming green light, from
the left side (passenger side here) a car ran the red light and slammed into me
between the front wheel and the door. I spun me around several times before
winding up on the island in the middle of the road, up against a pole that
stopped me from going further. The car that hit me also spun around and floated
backwards and almost rammed into my door, but stopped just about 2 feet from my
door. I was stunned and didn’t want to move. I just sat there thinking, you
know what (sh…). Now what.
Someone who had
seen the accident came to the door and told me to sit tight until he came back
which I was doing anyway. When he came, he helped me out of the car and felt my
neck and some other places asking if it
hurt. It didn’t. There was no whiplash because she hit me from the side, not
the back. I was OK. But now (this happened about 9:15 in the morning and it is
after 8pm in the evening) I am beginning to feel the pains of the muscles that
were stretched and around the ribs, especially on the left side where the seat
belt must have tightened up because of the crash.
While we were standing
there waiting for the police to come and maybe even an ambulance (thank God the
two young children who were in the back seat of the car the lady was driving
were unhurt. I am sure that the lady driver of the car that went through the
red light must have been hurt somehow because the whole front end of her car
was bashed and she too must have experienced the seat belts tightening up to
keep her from going out the window.
Of course,
there was a tow truck right there and within two minutes he was trying to sign
me up but I told him to wait till I contacted the Insurance Company to get
instructions from them. In the meantime, lots of sisters were also on their way
to the funeral and they saw my wrecked car and then me on the side of the road
so a bunch of them, in different cars stopped to ask if I was OK. The tow truck
driver was impressed by my harem.
I told them that once we got things sorted out with the
towing company and the police, I would ask them for a lift back to Mariannhill,
since a whole car load of them are my neighbors and the hospital and convent
I managed to
sneak in sideways among the clergy after getting properly dressed for the
occasion (alb and stole). No one knew why I was late. I am skipping some things
here but will catch you up on them another time.
After the
service, about 3 ½ hrs, as we were leaving I managed to greet a few of the
bishops whom I have known since my Justice and Peace days, and even manage to
hand a note to the Cardinal from our Provincial, Fr. Chikadi, assuring the
Archidioce of the condolences of us brothers of Mariannhill in the Mthatha
Province. I also weeneed my way next to the Apostolic Nuncio (The Pope’s
representative to South Africa) and tell him that I was proud to see a fellow son
of St. Meinrad here in South Africa. We both went to the same seminary, St.
Meinrad in Southern Indiana, but I was a
few hundred years ahead of him. I saw his picture on the wall at St. Meinrad
last year when I passed by on my home leave. The walls are full of the class
pictures. I even took a picture of the
picture and sent it to him when I got back to South Africa. He never responded.
I guess he has other more important things to do.
Well, after a
few short meetings, I skipped the meal as I didn’t want to lose the nun who was
showing me the way to the car. Now I am guessing that there were between 3000
and 4000 people at the service, and you can imagine the fun and games trying to
get out. That is, if you can remember where you parked the car. Ha. We wandered
around, up and down for about 20 minutes, but eventually we were spotted by one
of the sisters who came from the car to look for us, and guided us back to the
Well, that is almost the end of the story. While was
watching the 7pm news, Br. Tendai came to see if I was still alive, and when he
saw that I was, he told me that we have guests in the house tonight and asked
when I turn on the alarm. I really wanted to hit the sack like NOW, but now
there is a new twit to the story. I will wait till 9:30 and then, as I told
Tendai, I will turn on the alarm. If they are not here and try to get in later,
I will definitely hear the alarm go off and then, hang around till the security
company comes to see what’s up, and I will tell them all is well and go back to sleep.
I am up at 4am
so it is no problem in the morning as I turn off the alarm before most people
have started to think of getting up.
Well, that’s it
for tonight. I hope that I don’t turn the wrong way in bed and irritate that
bottom rib and give a yelp.
I will go over
my Zulu readings for tomorrow and my homily while I am waiting, but will
happily climb beneath the blanket just after 9:30
Y’all stay well.
Love and Peace, Cas.
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